
Programmatic Targeted Digital Advertising

Programmatic targeted digital advertising efforts are custom developed for each campaign. Target audience demographics can be built based on precise objectives such as  their most recent digital activities including app usage, websites visited, search terms used, general browsing habits, and geographic location. As a result, campaign goals are maximized providing optimal ROI.

Benefits of digital programmatic advertising.

    • Allows us to serve an ad to one single prospect in one single context.
    • Ability to engage audiences across multiple devices (computer, tablet and smartphone.)
    • Permits geographic distribution of ads with nearly unlimited targeting capabilities.
    • Allows us to use location data to target a prospect visiting a particular address / location.
    • May employ retargeting, which tracks people who visit the promotional page on your site and displays your ads to them as they visit other sites.
    • Allows us to monitor and adjust / optimize program, at any moment in time, by shifting impressions where they are performing strongest.
    • Robust tracking and reporting capacity.
    • Ability to drill down big data, giving us new way to reach hard-to-find audiences.
    • Inventory across all major networks and exchanges gives us access to 99% of the websites in the U.S..
    • The more ad sizes campaign uses, the better the performance.
    • Taking advantage of under-utilized ad sizes and placements, lowering your eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions.)

Layering Technology with Human Intelligence To Maximize Campaign Performance.

    • Our account management team is dedicated to analyzing campaign reports and optimizing to the best performing placements, strategies, creative, and media.
    • Account managers deliver the insights and advanced optimizations that algorithms cannot capture and can reallocate ads at any time based on client needs.

T0 start planning your digital ad campaign, give us a call to schedule a meeting or send us a message.